Elf Pets: Santa's St. Bernards Save Christmas en streaming

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Elf Pets: Santa's St. Bernards Save Christmas

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Description :

Inside the town of Bellville, Jonah, a small local thrift shop owner struggles to keep his modest business afloat while surrounded by townsfolk who have forgotten that the true spirit of Christmas involves a generous heart. Little do they know that their lack of Christmas cheer is affecting Santa Claus and keeping him from being magical at the North Pole. Without Christmas magic, the sleigh doesn’t glide, toys don’t get made, and the Christmas Eve flight could be delayed. Join Santa, his scout elf friends, and all of the Elf Pets St. Bernard pups as they inspire Jonah’s children to raise Christmas cheer, change their community for the better, and help keep Christmas magical at the North Pole.

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