The Good Things Devils Do en streaming

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The Good Things Devils Do

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Description :

It’s Halloween Night. Richard, a small-time gangster is retiring. Before he can, he must take one last job. Miles apart, Melvin is a reluctant family man who has dreams of becoming a famous curator for his Museum of the Macabre. His newest acquisition? The remains of the notorious Masquerade, a vampire born from the embers of hell, slain centuries ago. Mishaps on both sides lead to chaos. Richard follows the orders of a bad dossier and Melvin accidentally frees masquerade from her sleep! Richard and his daughter break into Melvin’s house. They find themselves trapped inside, fighting to complete the mission and survive the night. Things fall into ruin as Masquerade turns Richard and Melvin’s loved ones into blood starved killers. A desperate Richard uses Masquerade’s own spell against her, tricking her to get close enough to slay her and lock her away. Melvin keeps Masquerade for his museum, and Richard is left searching for a cure for his afflicted daughter that he may never find.

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