Dakota en streaming

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Description :

Single mom and recently widowed Kate Sanders (Abbie Cornish) lives on her family’s farm in Georgia with her daughter Alex (Lola Sultan). Life on the farm is a challenge and things have only gotten more complicated when combat dog Dakota arrives on their doorstep delivered by Sergeant CJ Malcolm (Tim Rozon). CJ is filling a promise made to his friend and fellow Afghanistan veteran Marine Clay Sanders (Kate’s late husband and Alex’s father) to bring Dakota home to them if he died. Kate spends her time between the farm and running the volunteer fire department. Dakota watches over the family and becomes a local hero helping out around town. Meanwhile, the local Sheriff (Patrick Muldoon) knows an old long since buried secret, that the Sander’s Farm is valuable and has been leaning on Kate to sell. The Sheriff will stop at nothing to get his hands on their land. With the help of daughter Alex and Alex’s new best friend, Dakota, Kate realizes the true value of the farm. Dakota teaches Alex there is nothing better than a dog as a best friend.

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