Felix and Lola en streaming

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Felix and Lola

Regarder Felix and Lola en streaming

Description :

Felix owns and operates the bumper cars in an amusement park. One day, he is intrigued by a silent girl riding around the track all alone, letting herself get bumped and knocked about by the other cars. A strange girl, seemingly remote from the ordinary fun of the fair. She is elsewhere, in a world of her own. Her name is Lola. That's all she says. Before he knows it, Felix has fallen in love with her, touched by the sadness in her eyes, he goes after her, wanting to understand and help her. But Lola slips away, comes back, disappears again...She is here, but never completely. She seems tied to a mysterious past - a past that Felix will have to confront. How far can a person go when he's in love? As far as killing somebody?

Felix and Lola en streaming sur SKstream! Films en streaming

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