Monsieur Hire en streaming

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Monsieur Hire

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Description :

Cohen Film Collection presents a new 4K restoration of this erotic thriller. A young girl is brutally murdered. The prime suspect is a cold and reclusive man who is obsessed with his beautiful neighbor. He spends his nights watching her through his window, but when she discovers that she is being spied on, she becomes the aggressor in an erotically charged relationship that leads to a deadly game of cat-and-mouse.This gripping and stylish murder mystery, winner of the French Film Critics Award for Best Feature, has been hailed as "The most elegant and intelligent erotic film to have come out of France in years." by the Detroit News. Adapted from the book by Georges Simenon, MONSIEUR HIRE is a film of gorgeously muted widescreen color and "funereal beauty" (The Washington Post) that coolly unpacks sexual obsession and romantic love with an intelligence and understated intensity.

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