Tokyo Pop en streaming

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Tokyo Pop

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Description :

Bleach-blonde wannabe rocker Wendy (Carrie Hamilton) is disillusioned with her life in New York City. After receiving a postcard from Japan saying “wish you were here,” she spontaneously hops on a plane to Tokyo with dreams of making it big as a singer. Quickly finding herself broke and a fish out of water, she moves into a youth hostel for gaijin (foreigners) and takes up work as a hostess at a karaoke bar. Just when she’s at her breaking point, she meets Hiro (Yutaka Tadokoro, aka Diamond Yukai), a rock ‘n’ roller whose band is looking for their big break. They form a romantic and musical connection and Hiro convinces Wendy to become their lead singer. Through a combination of hustle and luck, they stumble into their 15 minutes of fame, but Wendy soon comes to realize that being a gaijin rocker may be nothing more than a passing fad. An underseen gem of 80's American independent cinema by Fran Rubel Kuzui ('Buffy the Vampire Slayer'), 'Tokyo Pop' takes us on a breezy tour through bubble era Tokyo, replete with knowing nods to the city’s vibrant pop culture.

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