Norbit en streaming

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Description :

It’s Eddie Murphy as you love to see him! in this gut-bustingly funny movie that displays his comedic genius in multiple roles! Murphy star as mild-mannered Norbit, who gets a second chance at love with his childhood sweetheart, Kate (Thandie Newton, The Pursuit of Happyness). But there’s one huge obstacle: jealous, mean-tempered Rasputia (Murphy), you wants Norbit all to her sizeable self. Can Norbit win the heart of Kate… before Rasputia put the hurt on him? With an all-star cast including Cuba Gooding Jr. (Jerry Maguire), Marlon Wayans (White Chicks) and Eddie Griffin (Date Movie), Norbit will make you laugh til you cheer!

Norbit en streaming sur SKstream! Films en streaming

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