Lethal Weapon 2 en streaming

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Lethal Weapon 2

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Description :

This high-voltage sequel continues the adventures of Los Angeles detectives Riggs and Murtaugh (Oscar-winner Mel Gibson and Danny Glover) as they try to thwart a smuggling ring of blond South African "diplomats". Gibson finds romance this time around, and Academy Award- winner Joe Pesci ("GoodFellas," "My Cousin Vinnie") joins the team as fast-talking con artist Leo Getz. "At the Movies" calls this "...Pure dynamite!...a summer blockbuster with enough humor, excitement and action for two movies," while Roger Ebert praises "...Terrific... entertaining from one end to the other." Gene Shalit sums up all the cheers, calling it "...even more fun than the original ...directed at a mile a minute by Richard Donner...lots of laughs.

Lethal Weapon 2 en streaming sur SKstream! Films en streaming

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