8 Seconds en streaming

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8 Seconds

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Description :

Professional bull-riding. The roughest, most dangerous, most grueling competitive sport. Life or death ... victory or defeat ... decided atop a 2,000 pound bull in 8 Seconds. This riveting drama based on the life of Rodeo World Champion Lane Frost (Luke Perry -- TV's "John From Cincinnati," TV's "Beverly Hills, 90210") tells the story of his dreams, ambition, perseverance, and sacrifice that lead to an Oklahoma boy's meteoric rise to fame as a champion bull-rider before his rough and tumble life is tragically cut short. To stay atop a bucking bull, holding on with just one hand, takes equal parts skill, courage, luck and determination from those willing to risk all for the ultimate thrill in 8 Seconds. Co-starring Stephen Baldwin ("The Usual Suspects," "The Flintstones in Viva Rock Vegas") and Emmy Award-nominee Cynthia Geary (TV's "Northern Exposure," "Smoke Signals").

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