Inspector Bellamy en streaming

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Inspector Bellamy

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Description :

France's greatest actor Gerard Depardieu (GREEN CARD and Oscar nominee for CYRANO DE BERGERAC) shines in one of the best performances of his career as the legendary police detective Inspector Bellamy. Bellamy tries to go on a quiet vacation with his wife but murder travels with him. He attempts to solve the most puzzling crime of his career while also coping with the suspicious return of his violent long lost brother. Depardieu's charismatic performance lends wit and emotion to this suspenseful mystery in which even the inspector has a motive no one would suspect. The final film of acclaimed master of suspense Claude Chabrol, Inspector Bellamy is a worthy finale to a towering career and a haunting film that will keep you guessing until the final moments.

Inspector Bellamy en streaming sur SKstream! Films en streaming

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