Mister Buddwing en streaming

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Mister Buddwing

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Description :

A man awakes on a Central Park bench, not knowing his name or how he got there. Adrift in the city, he sees a beer truck pass by. Then an airplane flies overhead. Piecing the two events together, the man chooses Buddwing as his name…and continues his desperate sidewalk quest to discover his true identity. James Garner portrays lost, disoriented Buddwing in this compelling mystery drama directed by Delbert Mann (Marty) and featuring a cast that includes Angela Lansbury, Suzanne Pleshette, Katharine Ross and Jean Simmons. There's another player, too: enveloping, challenging, intriguing New York City. Look for Nichelle Nichols, who became Star Trek's Lt. Uhura that same year.

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