Blackadder Goes Forth en streaming

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Blackadder Goes Forth

Regarder Blackadder Goes Forth en streaming

  • Genre: Comédie
  • Date: 1989-06-15
  • Episodes: 6

Description :

Cette page vous donne accès à la version originale de cette série TV. The highly acclaimed final series finds a world-weary Captain Blackadder stationed on the Western Front during World War I. Having joined the British Army when it was little more than a travel agency for gentlemen with an abnormally high sex drive, he's not overjoyed to be in the trenches facing four million German machine guns. It would be slightly more bearable if General Melchett's battle plans were less suicidal and if Private Baldrick's cooking wasn't confined to rat. Classic comedy starring Rowan Atkinson and Tony Robinson.

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